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RSS Benz

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

I am in total agreement! The Earth could perhaps be her own worst enemy.

1 point

We must rememeber that carbon-di-oxide is a natural constituent of the atmosphere.

1 point

Rather than being selfish as human beings always are , we need to understand that climate change is NOT damaging us, we are DAMAGING our planet,our home, our space, our mother Earth.

1 point

YES!!! I agree that we cannot put all the blame on humans.

1 point

The prevailing attitude is that human beings induced global warming is a fact of life and it is up to doubters to prove otherwise. Carbon-di-oxide is a natural constituent of the atmosphere and so there would be carbon-di-oxide emissions regradless. Climate change is generally a regional phenomenon and not a global one. Life on Earth will adapt as it always has. It has been shown to thrive still when planetary temperatures are warmer as opposed to being colder. We do not have the necessary understanding of the climate system well or have the data to demonstrate that humanity is having a substantial impact on climate change.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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